Quick Path to Stall a Career ... Not Hire Right People

Excerpt from Hiring The Best by Martin Yate

Causes of bad hires can be traced to one of the following reasons:

  • Poor analysis of job functions
  • Poor analysis of necessary personality-skill profile
  • Inadequate initial screening
  • Inadequate interviewing techniques
  • Inadequate questioning techniques
  • Poor utilization of "second opinions"
  • Company and Career/money expectations were over or inappropriately sold
  • References were not checked
In short, the manager failed to ask either himself or the interviewee the right questions at the right time; and perhaps even failed to interpret the answers given to the questions adequately.

Prepare for an interview so you get the answers to the three key questions that guarantee a good hire:
  1. Able to Do the Job. Often the hiring decision is on ability alone. While important, it is merely the 1st step in ensuring successful hires.
  2. Willing to Do the Job. There can be a distinct gap between ability and willingness to do the job.
  3. Manageable Once On the Job. A person able and willing, but nonetheless unmanageable is not the right fit. 
When preparing for and managing the hiring process do you fall back on the old excuse and claim "I'll know it when I see him/her" ..... or will you be so prepared that you will know exactly what you want and will dig deep into who the person is so you can ensure you get exactly what you want?

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