Money - The Easy Scapegoat

Excerpt from Marketing Outrageously by Jon Spoelstra

Does this sound familiar? "We don't have the budget to be the best." Or "We don't have the budget to dramatically improve our market share." Or " We don't have the money to increase our revenues by staggering amounts."

Money. The reason for not becoming the best company in the industry is always related to money. It's Never. "We don't think big enough." It's Never "We don't have enough moxie." It's Never "We don't have enough good ideas."

When I ask businesspeople the "What's it gonna take?" question and get the Money answer, I always ask, "How much money would you need to become the best?" The answer is usually a little vague. They've never really thought about it; they're usually focused on making their budget goals or improving a little bit. But they're also a little afraid.

What if they did have enough money to become the best, and they still didn't make it? It's safer to be mediocre.

Often it is NOT about MONEY .... don't let money be the scapegoat!

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