Delegating - Identifying What to Let Go

Is there just not enough time in your day to get things done?

Are you feeling you are doing things that are important, but that someone else could be doing them?

Are you looking for an approach to identify the things you are doing and want to STOP doing and pass along to other members of your team?

Ask yourself the following questions over the next 30 days and write down your will begin to build a road map for what you can delegate and to whom.

What activities take up your time and focus that you want to stop doing?
  1. After listing these things, group them together by category.
  2. Ask yourself, should I continue to be responsible for the entire category and just consider delegating some of the activities or can I delegate the category to someone along with "all" the activities that go along with it.
What decisions do you make?
  1. Are they decisions you have to make?
  2. Are there decisions someone else is capable of making without any involvement by you?
  3. Are there decisions someone else is capable of identifying alternatives and making recommendation to you so you can decide together .... thus this person can take on more of the activities required to present the recommendation to you?
Consider 85-10-5 Rule after identifying activities/categories & decisions.

Think about how you want to delegate within the following framework:
  1. Allow the person to perform 85% of their tasks/decisions without the need to review the decision in advance or report back on what has been done. 
  2. 10% of the tasks/decisions can be made, but report back as to what is happening. 
  3. 5% of the tasks/decisions must be reviewed and approved by you prior to any action. 

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