As you target your prospects and start to think about what you will say in that 1st e-mail you draft when reaching out to them, consider planning out your own sales campaign. I won't take the time in this blog to discuss exactly what you should be saying as you communicate throughout the process of trying to get a sale. The sales psychology and "hooks" to address in communications is for another blog .... I will focus on what the sales campaign process might look like.
As a part of the process, I recommend you use video. Today's technology makes this very easy with virtually no cost to do so. Trust me ... this can be easily can also be something you can use over and over in your selling process.
Knowing how hard it is to reach someone by phone or in person in the early stages of the selling process, video provides you the fastest path to creating trust and rapport in your communications.
If the objective of a sales campaign is to sell an information product, I would create a sales campaign a certain way. In this blog, I am assuming you have a product or service that you are currently selling over the phone or in person and will continue to do so.
Consider an approach where you understand your buyer needs. If you want to clarify that for yourself, answer the following questions about your buyer.
- What are the things you have learned that your prospects/customers should know and don't?
- What are the things that frustrate your prospects/customers?
- What terrifies your prospects/customers the most about what they do?
- Most of your prospects/customers have no idea how to do ......
- What are the questions your prospects/customers seem to always have?
- What are the questions your prospects/customers should be asking and they are not yet asking?
- What do your prospects/customers need to double the results they need to produce in their role?
- How can you add more value for your prospects/customers?
As you think through your responses above, consider what topics would add value for your prospects/customers. These topics will begin to create your path to identifying what information you can provide your prospect that will help them with a challenge or obstacle they are facing. Now you package this information into a 3 part video series that you integrate into your sales campaign.
- Send email #1 with video #1 to your prospect ...
- 2 or 3 days later, send email #2 with video #2 to your prospect ...
- 2 or 3 days later, send email #3 with video #3 to your prospect ...
- 2 or 3 days later, reach out with your 1st call.
Very important to remember .... don't try to sell your prospect anything in your 1st 3 emails & 3 videos. All you are doing is helping them with a challenge or obstacle they face regardless of whether or not they buy anything from you. You don't begin to sell until you make your connection by phone.
When you reach out for that 1st call, you will have already provided them real value in what you taught them in the video series .... as a sales professional told me over lunch today, "it sorta takes consultative selling to a whole new level."
Through the use of video, they have gotten to know you a little ... you have started to build some real rapport assuming your video was created with truly high value content to them ... addressing a real need they have.
You will tell them if the information you provided through the videos was of real value, you can help them even more through your products and services they can buy from you.
There are effective ways to script your emails and video content that are important details for another time. Consider the sales campaign process at this point in time. There are no obstacles to implementing this approach. Today's technology platforms and video capture methods are easy to setup and can be managed right at your desk.
If you are a sales person responsible for your own sales results or playing a role in sales management & responsible for growing sales through your sales force, TAKE ACTION TODAY.
You will find this online sales campaign approach will produce better results .... it will also create a buzz that will differentiate you in your market.
You will find this online sales campaign approach will produce better results .... it will also create a buzz that will differentiate you in your market.
Good luck .... let me know if I can help!
Follow @PatAlacqua
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