"Getting Started Online"- Monetizing Your Knowledge

Several of my latest blogs have been about creating content products/programs and how to leverage them to increase your revenues.

A number of people have asked me how to get started monetizing knowledge and expertise ...... They ask...."What do I do 1st....what is the overall process?"

The overall process can be outlined in just 4 Building Blocks......
  1. Positioning .... Position you and/or your company as an "expert" and integrate into all your communications.
  2. Product Creation & Packaging .... Create high value & high margin information products/programs.
  3. Promotion .... Create fresh, content driven online sales campaigns.
  4. Partners .... Get the right promo partners to reach larger audience of buyers for your products & services.
First thing to consider ..... what are your objectives ...... consider your strategy alternatives and which one or combination do you want to implement. Some idea generators & alternatives to consider are:

  • Evaluate your current products and make adjustments with your product strategies to improve your competitive advantage
  • Starting a new business and need to create a product strategy and product suite for development and launch over next 3 to 5 years
  • Create new revenue streams with content products/programs
  • Have written a book and want to leverage it for additional sales of products you have and/or can create
  • Create a lead generation system to increase leads for your sales staff
  • Have a speaking offering and want to leverage those opportunities to sell more "stuff" 
  • Use content products to enhance direct sales and/or channel partner sales efforts
  • Bundle content products to add value to and differentiate current product/service packages
  • Use content products to create internal training systems for your staff
  • Use content products and online sales campaigns to target Donors and increase funding for your non-profit organization
  • Use content products and mobile marketing techniques to more effectively capture contact info and and follow-up with your target buyers and customers
The rest of the steps to take to get you started and on your way to increasing your sales & building your business to the next level are below ..... see the whole picture, but a manageable approach to implementation is to take 1 step at a time ..... each step you complete will provide you the clarity to effectively focus on the next .... 

Here goes ... step-by-step....
  1. Clarify your target customer profile .... define your most "qualified" customer ..... your middle of the road customer .... least likely to succeed customer ..... 
  2. Evaluate your current products and services. How can they be improved to increase your competitive advantage?
  3. Identify your expert/thought leader topic that adds the highest value for your target audience.
  4. Create 1st draft of your product funnel model ...... set up a product/services funnel so each product/service leads to the next. 1st introduce your prospects & customers at an introductory level ..... keeping your focus on creating trust and rapport .... delivering value & helping them achieve results. This leads to a deeper relationship as they continue to apply what they are learning. The key is to always have another offering that keeps them moving up to higher value/deeper relationship/higher prices.... continuing to escalate the customer relationship.
  5. Create a development schedule for your Product Funnel ...... prioritize your current products/enhancements and the new ones..... list your expected delivery formats, price points and go to market target dates.
  6. Create a Product Framework for the primary product in the funnel ..... people are always looking for advice and "how to" information .... they want to shorten the learning curve .... get from Point A to Point B as efficiently & successfully as possible. A product framework breaks down the big picture steps required to get from Point A to Point B. 
  7. Review & Adjust Product Funnel .... once you have developed your primary product framework, you can then consider how it impacts the products in your funnel down to the introductory level as well as the ones that continue up through the advanced and premiere level "stuff."  
  8. Create expert positioning & supporting content ..... this includes things such as testimonials and stories that prove the positioning.
  9. Create the 1st draft of product offerings  ..... includes what you will communicate to prospects and customers about what the offerings are and how they will benefit.....
  10. Create the content to fit the product framework ..... stop short of production .... provide all the content you will teach within the framework you have created.
  11. Identify the technology platform requirements .... todays technology capabilities no longer have cost  .... or ease of use  .... or available features .... standing in the way of getting started ..... 
  12. Develop product production plan, schedule & get started making it happen..... now that the product framework and content has been created .... it is now time to produce it..... topic for another blog, but the solutions available today make the video, audio and other formats you will use for production .... so easy.... so cost effective.
  13. Create the campaigns .... get ready to launch online communications to sell your products/programs.
Get started today !!! ... 

Take one step at a time ... 

1st Step you can take today .... COMMIT ......

COMMIT ...... to using content products & online strategies ..... to increase your revenues ...... to implement the process I have outlined for you.

If you need help, reach out to me. I have all the processes to support each one of the 13 steps ..... getting you efficiently & successfully from start to reaching your desired outcome.

View Pat Alacqua's profile on LinkedIn

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