Mature Products ... 3 Things You "CAN DO" About It

Mature Markets & Products ....

Has your market peaked?

Have your products reached the mature stage of their life cycle?

Is it getting harder and harder to differentiate yourself from your competition? 

Is it a challenge to hold price levels due to competing products dropping their prices?

Are competitors trying to take your people to get your customers?

I try to help business owners and corporate executives with the challenges of a maturing market ...... maturing products ........ often times I have to identify the problem in my consulting engagements or partnerships ........ but when it comes to maturing markets and products, business owners and corporate executives usually already "get it" when it comes to identifying their problems or it is not hard to get them to understand what the problem is ....... they are smart people .... the challenge I find is getting them to take action to deal with the problem.

I have no doubt you have heard these 2 comments before .....
  1. When your horse is dead .... get off .......... 
  2. When you keep doing things over and over and over & expect different results, it is defined as insanity! 
Why is it that I keep talking to so many smart people running companies who understand their problem of maturing market and products ...... but month after month.....quarter after quarter......year after year......they don't take the actions to do anything about it?

Please understand that I am not being critical when I say nothing is being done about it ..... I have been there........ trying to fix your business challenges is often like trying to repair an airplane while it is flying .... no time to land and fix it in the hangar .... got to find a way to make the repair at 30,000 feet.....

The real challenge is trying to figure out why it is sometimes easier to do nothing than to try and fix a problem that isn't going away and must be taken care of before it gets worse.

I truly believe we don't always take action on many of the things we face in all parts of our life .... whether it be the personal or the professional areas ..... because we often don't see the answer and thus don't get started ..... or we see the answer and don't know how to get from Point A to Point B ..... or we need results now and don't have the time or the needed focus to work on creating the the saying goes .... easier said than done!

Maturing markets and products create problems for your business that don't go away ..... there is not a "wake up in the morning idea" that will solve your problem .... often times not having that idea/the answer to our problem NOW prevents us from getting started ....

In situations like these, I believe the solution is to commit to just get started approach NOW ... a process ... a SMART PATH you can be confident will help you navigate as efficiently and successfully as possible from where you are to where you need to be .....

Commit To Taking These 3 Steps TODAY ..... it is the right path .... the SMART path .... these 3 things will give you the confidence to discover the right answer for your company!

Here goes .....
  • Clarify Your Target Customers ..... If you haven't done this in awhile and committed it to writing, you don't have clarity. It doesn't matter how long you have been serving this customer....doesn't matter how well you think you know them .... if you haven't gone through the process of documenting who your target customer is, you don't have the clarity you need. ..... I have heard others call their target buyers a "muse" or "avatar" ...... identify the characteristics of your ideal muse or avatar .... create 3 profiles .... The "best" target ... the "middle of the road" target .... the "least likely to succeed" with target. Clarity on all this will be the foundation to stay focused as you take on the next 2 steps.
  • Create a Product Funnel Model .... You may think you have this in place, but if you are in a mature market and your products/services have reached the mature stage of their life cycle, you need to start from scratch and recreate your product funnel. The key is to set up your products/services so each one leads to the next. First introduce your customers to products at an introductory level with a key focus on building trust and rapport, delivering value and helping them achieve results ...... Then have higher value products available as customers want more from you as your relationship deepens with them ....... Create a product funnel/suite that has the next product ready and keep moving your customer "up the product path" as you escalate the relationship ..... Again, the key is to recreate your product funnel suite by assessing your current products to improve competitive advantage and package the knowledge and expertise that has come from years of taking care of your customers into products/services that will help you build a new and more robust product funnel.
  • Differentiate Your Marketing & Sales Approach .... now that you have clarity on who your target customers are and have created a new product funnel, look at new and better ways to connect with your prospects and customers. The way you sell directly to your prospects/customers and the approaches you can recreate with your channel partners can truly differentiate you from your competition and grow your sales at rates above industry average. There are many ways to be different and effective. One is integrating an online strategy into your selling efforts. I talk to so many people who think about this, but don't know how to do it. Trust me ... it is not that hard .... you just need some guidance on how to get from where you are to where you want to be.
If your horse is dead ....get off ...... stop doing the same things over and over and over, expecting different results. 

Take action today ... commit to a SMART Path to addressing your mature market and products .... it only takes 3 steps .... have the confidence to get started even though you don't have clarity on the answers you are looking for ...... This 3 step process will get you from where you are to where you want to be......

Let me know how I can help!!

View Pat Alacqua's profile on LinkedIn 

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