Let Go - Control Less to Control More

One of the keys to transitioning from Entrepreneur to Enterprise is letting go responsibility and authority to a team capable of leading and managing the company with you.

The Entrepreneur Operator must be emotionally ready to let go to his/her team along with having the confidence in management systems that will provide a new and different foundation for control going forward.

The Management Systems to implement are as follows:
  1. Looking Within - an internal strategic audit of your company.
  2. Looking Around - an external strategic audit of your marketplace.
  3. Looking Ahead - identifying critical planning assumptions to guide the direction you take your company.
  4. Measurement Performance Indicators (MPI's) - identifying the indicators you will use to track & measure success.
  5. Actions - the highest impact ... least risk actions to be taken to realize expected performance.
  6. Budgets - financial plan and controls to ensure financial performance.
  7. Implementation - systems, structure, staffing, salaries/incentives - the implementation model to ensure your company effectively implements the plan you develop as part of numbers 1 thru 6 above.
In order to successfully implement the Management Systems into the company for the 1st time, it is important to start with #7. Companies starting with #1 rarely create a sustainable planning process and a completed plan. If they successfully complete a plan, rarely does it get implemented because the systems to implement never get put into place. 

Without the implementation systems, it is extremely hard for the Entrepreneur Operator to emotionally  "accept" he can let go and use the management systems to get the control he and the company need to effectively lead & manage the business.

Build the Implementation model for your company 1ST .... then work on the planning processes and create the Plan ..... then you can be confident you won't be one of those companies that spend all the time on a plan and never do anything with it. Success is all about IMPLEMENTATION.

Get started today feeling the confidence to LET GO and Control LESS so you can utilize your team and the right management systems to Control MORE. 

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