Why Should I Do Business With You

Excerpt from Selling The Invisible by Harry Beckwith

Give Me One Good Reason

You want the strongest argument for a single focused message? Ask your prospects.

Your prospects have one basic question: What makes you so different that I should do business with you?

Your prospects are making the classic statement: Give Me One Good Reason Why.

It is a simple request that begs for a simple response. A complex response will just give your prospect another problem to sort out. Your prospect does not want more to think about; your prospect wants less.

An example from retailing shows the importance of a simple message. Go to a good men's store. Ask for a blue-striped oxford shirt. A savvy salesman will show you one nice shirt, which you will probably buy. But if he isn't that smart and shows you three shirts, there is an excellent chance you won't buy any shirt. The salesperson has complicated your decision and confused you with choices. And it is very hard to sell to a confused person.

Meet your market's very first need: Give it one good reason.

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