Talk To Your Sales People - How To Get Started

This is the time of year when Revenue Projections have been completed and your sales staff is turned loose to reach those stretch goals.

The following is a great approach to start dialogue and connect with staff, support them and keep them focused on the right things to Make Sales Happen!

Ask them what they would like to talk about that would have the highest impact on their
  1. Paycheck
  2. Performance This Year
  3. Career
As they are considering what they want to talk about, ask "them" to keep the following THREE C's in mind:
  1. Concentrate in Silence - Disciplined Thinking
  2. Choice - from all the options ... what will and won't they do.
  3. Commitment .... what will they publicly commit to .... affirmation
Listen for how you can support their success......listen for obstacles before them that they will need your help with. Help them be successful and new revenue projections won't feel like such a stretch!!

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