Developing Job Descriptions - Where to Start

When creating job descriptions, I often see companies focus on the activities only for each job as an initial step. I recommend a focus on the Key Result Areas (KRAs) as the 1st step.

Key Results Areas (KRAs) are the most important subject matters of any job ..... those areas in which you must perform extremely well during the target period in order to be successful. They direct your limited resources (time, money, people, facilities, equipment, etc) to the most important areas where the return will be the greatest.

Guidelines for Developing KRAs

  1. Determine what your employee teammates or customers need your area of responsibility to serve.
  2. List your primary job activities ... group related activities together .... and give each group a heading. These headings could become your KRAs.
Criteria for Defining & Writing Your KRAs
  1. Focus on the "output" of your job .... not the "input"
  2. Use 1 to 4 words
  3. Avoid quantities ... $, %, ratios, etc
  4. Avoid directional indicators & verbs such as "increase," "reduce," "maximize,"
  5. Must support the purpose of your job
  6. Must represent 100% of your job
  7. Will stand the test of time
Some examples of KRAs are:
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Staff Productivity
  • Staff Performance
  • Financial Performance
  • Cost Control
  • Strategic Plan
  • Revenue Growth
  • Competitive Intelligence System
  • Marketing Intelligence System
  • Professional Self Development
Normally jobs will have 4 to 6 KRAs. 

Once you complete the KRAs for each job, you will have more clarity on what activities are more important than others. When you then determine an objective for each KRA, you can then finalize even further the activities you will focus your resources on. 

View Pat Alacqua's profile on LinkedIn 

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